Gensun objectives
Zero accidents
in our operations
Our certifications
Aware that a company’s QSSE policy has a significant impact on its development and longevity, Gensun begin a certification process at an early stage.
Since 2011, Gensun has been ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified for all its design, construction and maintenance activities, and ISO 45001 since 2020.
Well aware of the importance of the work environment in employee involvement and efficiency, Gensun decided to call on Choose My Company (a label based solely on employee opinions) to evaluate our work environment through Europe’s largest survey on company motivation.
“Zero accidents, zero injuries” is the primary concern and commitment shared by Gensun’s teams and partners. This objective is based on :
Our 9 Golden Rules of safety: Our Golden Rules are based on obligations and prohibitions, which together protect us from the major risks encountered as part of our operations.
Our HiPo approach: HiPo are events that have had or could have had disabling or fatal consequences. The reporting and analysis of HiPo events mobilizes a lot of our personnel, from those working on our sites to the highest levels of General Management, in order to identify areas for improvement and prevent their recurrence.
A recognized health and safety approach: Our Health and Safety approach is based on the most stringent requirements from the oil and gas sector and has been certified since 2020. The challenges in this area must be mastered at every stage of our activities.
Supporting our customers
We put customer satisfaction at the heart of our concerns by supporting them in their solar and wind power projects, and by using our technical expertise to ensure that the work delivered is compliant, on schedule and on budget.
Limiting our impacts
As a player in the energy transition, our mission is not only to control our impacts but also to strive to limit them through:
Pollution and accident prevention: Environmental impacts and emergency situations are identified and analyzed at each of our sites, so that we can put in place the means to eliminate, reduce or cope with them.
Controlling the sorting and recycling of our waste: Our teams pay particular attention to the proper management of waste and to recycling possibilities.
CSR Approac
A company’s economic development is no longer conceivable without environmental, social, societal and ethical progress. Gensun’s CSR approach is based on 4 commitments (Social, Societal, Ethical and Environmental).
– Social: Putting the safety and well-being of our employees at the heart of our concerns by developing our human capital and encouraging the development of our employees.
– Societal: Strengthening our positive impact on the regions where we operate and investing in local communities.
– Ethics: Reaffirming our ethical approach through irreproachable business practices, in particular by implementing our commitments throughout our value chain, including in our purchasing.
– Environmental: Strengthen our environmental approach in all our subsidiaries to limit the impact of our activities on the environment. Offer our customers innovative solutions to reduce their impact on the environment.

About Gensun
Do you have a construction project or need to maintain your power plants? Would you like to take part in the energy transition as part of a committed team? Contact us to discuss
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