About us

Gensun, construction et maintenance de centrales photovoltaïques.


GenWind supports wind project owners in the crucial phases of wind measurement and wind farm dismantling.

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genwind expert en mesure du vent

GenWind, the wind measurement expert

GenWind was created by combining a team of experienced infrastructure engineers and a team of expert wind measurement technicians from Espace Éolien Développement (a pioneer in wind power development in France), with almost 20 years’ experience in the design and installation of wind measurement towers. Historically based in northern France, GenWind covers the whole of France, as well as neighboring countries.

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Our solutions

Mesure de vent par Lidar ou avec mâts

Wind measurement
with Lidar

Mesure de chiroptères


Mesure solaire


Démantèlement et repowering de parc éolien

Wind farm dismantling
and repowering

They Trust Us

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ENGIE logotype 2018
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Couverture Neoen

GenWind, a Gensun brand

A Gensun subsidiary since 2012, GenWind has been fully integrated into Gensun as a brand since 2022, with both companies operating under the same trade name.

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